Tomando como estudo de caso a monografia de Sharon Hutchinson sobre os nuer, o presente artigo explora os quiproquós do diálogo entre a antropologia
‘Evans-Pritchard's ethnological work on witchcraft among the Azande and on Nuer politics and religion - both East African tribal cultures - was pathbreaking.’ ‘After meeting McCune, Machar told his supporters from the powerful Nuer tribe of southern Sudan that his aim was not to control Khartoum.’ Reading The Nuerl - JSTOR claim of Evans-Pritchard (p. 148) that segmentation is a "fun-damental principle" of Nuer social structure has been construed as a rejection of economic and ecological factors in favor of an ethereal idealism. Both Leach (1961) and Sahlins (1961), for example, use The Nuer as a foil in their arguments against Doss - Evans-Pritchard and Segmentary Structures Amongst ... Evans-pritchard and Segmentary Structures Amongst the Nuer: a Reappraisal* by Mohan Doss Introduction Edward E. Evans-Pritchard, — E-P as he was affectionately known — was one of the most renowned and influential anthropologists of his time (#$%&-’’(). … E. E. Evans-Pritchard – Wikipédia Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, a Brit Akadémia tagja (1902.szeptember 21 – 1973.szeptember 11), ismertebb nevén E. E. Evans-Pritchard, angol kulturális antropológus, aki közreműködött a társadalmi antropológia fejlődésében.A társadalmi antropológia professzora volt, az …
I have previously written two books on the Nuer, a cattle-herding people dwelling in the swamps and savannah of the southern Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: The Nuer.A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People was published in 1940 and Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer in 1951. The present volume, Nuer Religion, completes a study of the Nuer which began in 1930. A Review of Anthropologist E.E. Evans-Pritchard's ... Jun 19, 2012 · E.E. Evans-Pritchard was one of the founding researchers and practices of social anthropology. He focused specifically on African cultures. Evans-Pritchard's book Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande explores the beliefs and rites of the Azande group in Sudan, Africa. In it, Evans-Pritchard observes the Azande relationship to 'magic' and how this relationship influences the social THE NUER - E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD - Google Books Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard Snippet view - 1940. The Nuer, a Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard Snippet view - 1968. The Nuer: a description of the modes of livelihood and political Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard Snippet view - 1950. Evans-Pritchard, Tempo e Espaço, In Os Nuer | Tempo ...
E.E. Evans-Pritchard, one of England’s foremost social anthropologists, especially known for his investigations of African cultures, for his exploration of segmentary systems, and for his explanations of witchcraft and magic. Evans-Pritchard, E. E. | Evans-Pritchard's Nuer Religion (1956) is the final volume of a trilogy on the Nuer of the southern Sudan (the others are The Nuer, 1940, and Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer, 1951). In this book he presents Nuer religious thought and ritual as a system of theology that has a subtlety and profundity comparable to those of literate cultures. E. E. Evans-Pritchard - Wikipedia Evans-Pritchard continued to lecture at the LSE and conduct research in Azande and Bongo land until 1930, when he began a new research project among the Nuer. [3] This work coincided with his appointment to the University of Cairo in 1932, where he gave a series of lectures on religion that bore Seligman's influence.
Situada el centro oriente de África, en torno a los afluentes que alimentan al profundo río Nilo y río Sobat, en lo que hoy es Sudán del Sur, es un grupo étnico que Evans-Pritchard investigó desde la década de 1930 para el gobierno de Sudán Anglo-egipcio (administración colonial británica que gobernó la región desde fines del siglo XIX).
THE NUER - E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD - Google Books Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard Snippet view - 1940. The Nuer, a Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard Snippet view - 1968. The Nuer: a description of the modes of livelihood and political Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard Snippet view - 1950. Evans-Pritchard, Tempo e Espaço, In Os Nuer | Tempo ... E. Evans-Pritchard procura nos mostrar em Os Nuer: uma descrio do modo de subsistncia e das instituies polticas de um povo nilota (1999), que os conceitos de tempo e espao desse povo so reflexos de sua relao com o meio ambiente e das relaes que mantm entre si no interior da estrutura social. E. E. Evans-Pritchard - Monoskop Sir Edward Evan "E. E." Evans-Pritchard (21 September 1902 – 11 September 1973) was an English anthropologist who was instrumental in the development of social anthropology. He was Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford from 1946 to 1970. EVANS-PRITCHARD, THE NUER, AND THE SUDAN POLITICAL …